Fiorella Galvez

Fiorella Galvez's Fundraiser



Join me and help make a difference in South America. Please give today!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$280 towards $3,000

Please help us take good care of our ANDEMOS Team so they can continue serving those who need it the most!

Join me in supporting real change. Let's support good in the world and make a difference. Your support will make an impact through ANDEMOS, Peace and Hope International Volunteer Program.

This program has blessed hundreds of international volunteers and national beneficiaries helping them integrate their faith with their commitment to serve the least of these. A great challenge for us is to care of the health of our local team. Each of our team members is routinely exposed to very stressful situations and threats to their emotional and physical integrity. Unfortunately the public health care system in Peru does not recognize emotional health problems as "medical issues" and therefore, it does not cover medical expenses for treatment and medication related to mental health. This is why we are making this effort to raise money to strengthen the Andemos Program, so that we can take better care of our staff in Peru. Your donation will be used specifically in providing care for our team so that they in turn can continue their efforts serving those who need it most.

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping care for the ANDEMOS TEAM! !GRACIAS!